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Friday, Aug. 09, 2002

Today I went to Wal-Mart! I know, it doesn't sound like that big of a deal but this is the first time I've ventured out on my own. Wal-Mart is about 42 miles away and although most of the trip is on 65 mph roads, the first 8.6 miles is on a dirt road so it takes a good 45 - 50 minutes each way. So, what did I get? a Fujifilm Finepix 2600 camera and an extra smart card. This thing can do up to 20 seconds of video too, so that should be interesting down the line!

There are 3 pictures at the end of this, so I figure the longer I keep you reading this part, the more likely the pictures will load and you won't get bored waiting for them :-)

We went to the veterinarians' today. It was time for Junior's regular check up, so Tex and I came along too. The vets seem great. Tex was fine, he got checked for heartworm and lyme disease and was negative for both. He is now on a preventative heartworm thing. His weight is good and his teeth are just starting to get a little tartar in the back (he's 7 or 8 years old), but I should be able to take care of that myself. Junior is a little overwieght and needs a dental cleaning, but is otherwise pretty good.

When we got home, we were treated to a huge rainstorm. Considering the drought and the parched crops, I guess it was a good thing. Lots of thunder, lightning, (we lost power momentarily several times), heavy rain - I thought we would get hail but not yet. All cleared up for dinner and an after dinner walk, so I took some test pictures with my new digital camera. I'm composing this off-line well after dark, and it's raining and thundering again! Poor Tex is hiding under my desk as I write!

Here's the greeting Wayne prepared for us:

Here's Wayne's place. Right now, we are set up mostly in the front bedroom, which is the single window closest to where I'm taking the picture. The double window is the living room.

OK, one last picture. This is Tex by our entrance sign. The trees behind him are part of the wind break.

Soon I'll have photos of our studio.

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lee marley
11:08 a.m.

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