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Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003

Catching up
The well is working fine, thanks for asking! We also had the pressure increased just a little; now the horse tanks fill faster and we get nice strong showers!

Remember I had some arthroscopic surgery done on my knee back in October? One troubling thing discovered was that I was terribly aniemic. Had it gotten even a little worse, I'd be in for transfusions! As it was, just a course of iron shots (ouch!) and consultation with a couple of doctors to try to discover the cause. The most likely cause was constant menstrual bleeding - (sorry for you squeamish folks! the next paragraph will be better). We'd already tried regulating it with hormones and diet - very poor results, so it was time to have my uterus removed. That surgery was a few days ago, and I seem to be doing great. Very minor pain, and my iron level is good. I'm kicking a little because I hate being indoors, but this is probably the best time - I'll be all healed in a month or so.

We've had some very neat weather! I took a bunch of pictures of the hoarfrost around the place. You can see them at my Bravenet photosite, just click on "My Pictures" once you are there. Here's a little sample, Lover Boy had some frost in his mane, and you can see it in the trees beyond the fence.

Hope you all have Great Holidays!

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lee marley
10:19 p.m.

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Recent entries include:

New Year's 2004 - Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003

Ch-ch-ch-changes - Monday, Dec. 29, 2003

Catching up - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003

When it rains snows, it pours blows... - Monday, Nov. 24, 2003

This and that... - Monday, Nov. 17, 2003

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