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Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003

Dear Friends,

Please quit forwarding pro- and anti- war emails to me. Please also stop sending me jokes and stories making some country the butt of a mean-spirited joke (right now it's France, but it could be almost any country.) And please stop sending me entreaties to "pray for our troops".

I acknowlege that sometimes war may be necessary; I also acknowlege that I don't much care for conflict at either the personal or world level. I don't have the knowlege and perspective to know when when war is needed. I do wish that other means had been used, but the fact remains that we are currently in a war. And whether or not you like President George W. Bush, he was elected by the people under the laws of our country. There are any number of ways to let him know what you do or don't like, but he is our leader at this time.

I'm part Polish. I like "pollack jokes" when they are told for fun. I do not like the French-bashing "jokes" I'm currently receiving. If you don't understand the difference between a joke told for fun and a mean-spirited joke, try looking at kids at the playground. The little kids know when you are teasing for fun and when you are picking on them.

I pray. It's between me and God. I am aware that there is a war and that lots of humans are in harm's way. If you know of a particular cause that I don't, and feel the need to ask me to pray, that's fine - for example, your cousin is having surgery and you are asking for prayers - I wouldn't have known if you didn't tell me and I'd be happy to pray for him/her.

Thank you

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lee marley
4:51 p.m.

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