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Monday, April 16, 2001

I guess my new project is finding a job. You know (well, the two people who read this) how I get all obsessive and nuts on a new project? I decided that I should apply that kind of obsessiveness to my job hunt. Pretty obvious, at least to everyone else I suppose.

Oh, it's easier when it's someone else looking for work. When it's me, I get panicky and worry that no-one will ask me to dance. I worry that I forgot all the steps, or never had them in the first place. I'm no dummy. But when I try to figure out what I can do, I forget or discount skills that I actually have. I've been working on my resume. Right, that's never what gets the job - I think practically all of my jobs have come from "networking" and talking to people who know people. But all my people seem to be used up right now. (I think that's the panic talking.) Actually, I suspect that if I just tell everyone and keep it focussed and on my mind, the connections will start forming. Working on my resume is mostly a tool to keep me focussed and to practice my chant of skills. I also qualify for the services of the "Career Center" at my local city college, so I will pick their brains, too.

I have two html resumes. One is about my work in the sciences. The other is about my work with animals. I would like to work with animals again, but there is no money there, and you get no respect from the humans. And I am getting tired of depending on "soft money", which is what funds the sciences. So I am keeping an open mind (I hope) and looking at other things. The resume I just finished is in Word, and the format is a little more professional-looking. I'm taking my disk to Kinko's to get it printed properly (my home printer is erratic), and I'll see if I can get a PDF file made to put online.

I know I like to help and support others. So I found two ads in that area - one as a administrative assistant, and one in customer service. And I enjoyed my days at the humane society when I interviewed people as potential pet adopters, so I'm looking into becoming an investigator. The ad starts out "You can talk to anyone..." and continues to describe the postition to "perform background investigations, interview information sources, and compile research to evaluate candidates for postitions of trust in the public and private sectors". Wow! My husband and sister both wonder at my ability to be able to talk to perfect strangers... so maybe that will be a fit!

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lee marley
5:03 p.m.

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