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Sunday, Jan. 19, 2003

The carpet has been installed in the loft. It makes for a really nice perch for reading or relaxing. The windows face east, and give a great view of the sky. The "crow's nest" looks pretty cool, too. Since we opted to keep the floor joists of the loft (which is the ceiling of the office area) open for the acoustics, I decided to paint part of them. For now, just the joists which line the opening for the spiral staircase. I used a deep flat blue called "night night" though I think of it as "disappear blue". It makes the transition from down to up a little less busy. As long as the paint was out, I also painted the undersides of the steps - they were a strong contrast to the black angle iron of the staircase frame. It's looking good.

Last weekend, we grouted the stones of the hearth with a light blue sanded grout. It makes a nice contrast to the red stones we used, and ties in with the blue of the linoleum and carpet. Today, I applied the grout sealer to it. I think though, that we'll end up with another coat or two of poly-urethane on the whole hearth (stones, grout, and oak frame.)

Oh yeah - I also installed a closet rod in the unfinished room. It was originally going to be a bathroom, but now we're not sure about that. There is no plumbing, so it's sort of up for grabs.

Now it's time for the unpacking - with the dressers hauled upstairs and about 6 feet of closet rod, I got most of the clothing and blankets unpacked. Now we need to put up some kind of shelves for the rest of our things. This is the first time we've consolidated our belongings (we've been married two years, but the first year and a half we had to live apart because of jobs), so it's hard to say how much shelving we'll need. We're going to make some temporary ones and go from there.

And now the not-so-perky news. Wayne is not doing well. He had a terrible weekend, though he seems better tonight. He is in bed alot - he says he doesn't sleep, but everytime we look in he seems to be sleeping. I guess it isn't very restfull in any case. Friday and Saturday, he needed help to walk anywhere, and sometimes we just put him in a chair with wheels and moved him that way.

If I don't post here too often for awhile, it's because there's not much good news going on.

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lee marley
7:46 p.m.

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