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Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003

How hot is it?

It's pretty darn hot. I heard that it was up to 110 degrees F today! Dick was in the studio, and had turned off the fan as it was bringing hot air in and noisy besides. He stepped out for a moment and when he came in, he thought he heard the fan... did he imagine turning it off? Hmmm, he checked and he had turned off the fan. He followed the noise and discovered that our corn stove's internal fan had kicked in! It's thermostatically controlled so that when you are trying to start the fire, the fan stays off til a certain temperature is met. Well, we met it today!

Being Wednesday, I made my weekly trek to WallyWorld. I kept hearing a weird loud noise, off and on throughout my shopping. Turns out the heat was triggering the fire alarms!

Tonight, I spotted our candle sticks:


In the dim light, it looks like they are still melting over!

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lee marley
10:41 p.m.

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This and that... - Monday, Nov. 17, 2003

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