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Sunday, Aug. 24, 2003

My Baobabs

Did you read "The Little Prince"? There's a part where he describes taking care of his little planet, including removing the baobab trees when they are tiny.

Yes, baobabs are very cute when little, but if you don't take care of them early, before you know it they can rip up your planet.

Well, I don't have baobabs, exactly, but I have something equally dangerous... Black Locust trees!


This is what they look like. Even if they weren't poisonous, they are quite thorny and shed lots of leaves and twigs and thorns. The seed pods are especially nasty, if one falls in the water trough and sets for a little while, it can send a horse into cardiac arrest when it drinks from the trough! It seems that the roots will send up little treelets a few dozen yards away, too. I cut down a couple of the big trees, and before I knew it, there were little ones coming up, not-so-nearby, as well as sprouting from the stump. I found that 2,4-d seems to kill off the leafy parts, and it deteriorates pretty quickly, so it is safe to have animals around it a few hours after application.

We still have a few big trees around, so I guess this fall we will get out the chainsaw and get them into a fire pit, to burn over the winter.

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lee marley
5:24 p.m.

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