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Wednesday, Nov. 07, 2001

The Sparkling Laxative!

I had to get an exam this morning - a sigmoidoscopy.

My dad had colo-rectal cancer, about 15 years ago. It was discovered in its very earliest stages and removed. He's been cancer-free ever since. His sister wasn't so lucky. She had what the family called "bowel cancer" back in the early '70's I think. I'm not sure what was done for it, but I do know that eventually it metasticized and caused her (and her family) much pain before she died last year.

I'm only 45. I had my first sigmoidoscopy a few years ago, just to get a baseline. I'm supposed to get one every other year I think, but it's pretty uncomfortable. I was scheduled for last May, but something came up, so I rescheduled. Things keep coming up; rescheduling takes awhile. So, now, 6 months later, I finally went through with it.

If you followed the first link, you'll have an idea what the actual procedure is. Although it's kinda weird, it's not all that bad. Both of my doctors (from the first test and then this morning's test) were very good about not poking me and not putting in too much air or fluid. The big dread for me is the prep.

The night before, you have to take laxatives. I never need them; thank you very much. So when I take them for this kind of procedure, it's really unpleasant. I have to stay home - never know when "results" will happen. The first thing to take is a magnesium citrate oral solution. It's salty and lemony and fizzy. But does the label have to say The Sparkling Laxative? I mean really, is that supposed to make me feel like I'm drinking something festive? "Gee, I feel like a bathroom party, bring on the Sparkling Laxative"! I guess there are folks who like that kind of thing, but I'm not one of them.

Then, when that sparkler starts to fizzle, you get to take some Milk of Magnesia. Wow, the fun never stops! The directions say to take this at 10 pm. I dunno, I'm a grown-up and I like to go to sleep around then. Do I get to stay in bed a little later since I can't eat anything? Ha! Instead, morning is enema time! I'll spare you the details.

So, you can see, the actual sigmiodoscopy is a cakewalk compared to all the prep! And once you're done, you can treat yourself to a guilt-free breakfast.

P.S. The doctor declared me "squeaky clean" and said my sigmoid colon was pretty healthy! Just eat more fiber (but I think they have to say that!)

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lee marley
1:56 p.m.

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